New Website!

The Kentucky Annual Conference will kick off tomorrow and it is set to be an exciting week. Pastor Michael will be ordained, we will elect delegates for the upcoming General and Jurisdictional Conferences and, most importantly of all, we will get to have a number of conversations about the great work that God is doing in our community here at WKU.

We are super excited to be able to start talking about our new website this coming week! We are rolling out our site publically just in time for conference. Take a few minutes to go over to our new site at and see what God is doing in our community.

Then when you get to have conversations this week, at conference or anywhere, take the opportunity to let people know that they can connect with us, connect us with students, keep up with what’s happening and even give to our ministry at our new site.

Also, I have just built this site from the ground up, so if you find typos, please let me know so I can fix them!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Michael