What To Expect

 We are located at 1355 College Street, almost exactly between Cherry Hall and Hilligans. If you are coming our way from Cherry Hall we are on the left.

There are a number of ways to get to us. If you need steps you could always just walk.

If you live on campus you can take the White Line bus and get off at the Cherry Hall stop. After getting off the bus, just walk the last 100 or so yards down College Street.

If you want to drive you have three really great parking options, all of which are free after 4:30 pm. The closest lots are the College Hill Lot, Hub, and Lower Hub. Personally, my favorite is Lower Hub which can be accessed by turning left just after passing our building on Alumni Avenue


You’ll probably want to show up a few minutes before 6:30pm to get familiar with our building, grab a cup of coffee and chat with other students. When you first arrive, you can come in through our side door on Alumni Drive or through our front door on the porch. You’ll be greeted by one of our student hospitality team members. These students will be happy to show you how to get to our dining room, find the free coffee or to show you to the study where you can just hang out or do homework.

At 6:30pm we start our free meal. We have some super awesome churches, that love to bless college students, who provide us with a meal every Thursday night. Often this is a home cooked meal! The meal varies every week and we always try to have options for those who have dietary restrictions.

Due to COVID restrictions, our meals are on a temporary hiatus, but typically we have s’mores together after worship when the weather is nice!


 Around 7pm we move upstairs from our dining room into our chapel for our worship gathering. During worship gathering we will sing songs, read prayers together, hear biblically based teaching, and take communion together. We worship in a very laid back atmosphere where folks are welcome to worship in a way they feel comfortable. Our worship gathering usually lasts 60-75 minutes. Afterward, stick around for games!

We know that some folks aren’t able to attend in person, so check out our YouTube page every Thursday at 7pm for our worship live stream!


We think that one of the most important keys to making it through your time in college is strong community. In order to help you build that community we create space after every worship service for you to hang out with other students, chat with our student leaders or get to know our pastor.

This event is planned by our student leaders and is different every week. Some weeks we hang around the fire pit and have s’mores and other weeks we play camp games, and some weeks we just sit around and chat. No matter the activity, the idea is to create space for students to go deeper in community together.

Community is so important to us that we hope you will want to go even deeper by joining one of our Missional Communities who do life together.